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Greenware State: "Sweet Spot" aka: the drier side of leather hard clay when the clay falls off easily.
Tools: ballpoint pen or embossing tool and a brush.
Sgraffito: to "scratch" through. Originally a painting term referring to the scratching through paint. For ceramics it is a layer of underglaze painted on greenware and designs are scratched through the underglaze "colored slip" layer to the raw clay body.
Underglaze: Underglaze is "colored slip" which means it is clay! Since it is clay we treat it as such through the stages of greenware. Underglaze in this video is painted on leather hard greenware and let dry to sweet spot. (Underglaze may also be used on bisque ware but to be able to sgraffito underglaze the work needs to be in the greenware state: "sweet spot"
Greenware State: "Sweet Spot" aka: the drier side of leather hard clay when the clay falls off easily.
Tools: ballpoint pen or embossing tool and a brush for the lines. Loop tools and metal carving tools to remove the background.
This process is similar to sgraffito. The difference is using wax resist over the first underglaze layer on leather hard greenware. The wax and underglaze surfaces are carved through. The wax resist allows another, usually contrasting, color to be inlayed into the lines with easy clean up as the wax resists the new underglaze color.